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Donate to the Sanctuary

There are many ways to contribute to the Sanctuary. 


Using our Patreon site, become a sponsor to provide monthly support to specific funds in the barn. Sponsors provide consistency in keeping bellies full and needs met. Our holiday events are held specifically for sponsors and barn crew to enjoy the animals they support. Sponsor an animal at 

Monetary donations can be accepted through Venmo, Paypal, Check, or Cash. Contact for receipts.

​Things you can donate:

  • Kitchen scraps

  • Pelleted feed

  • Hay

  • Straw

  • Pine Shavings

  • Pumpkins

  • Christmas Trees

Large Items we could use:

  • Used Chicken Coops

  • Trailer

  • Fencing

  • Rabbit Enclosures

  • Puppy Pads

  • Wheelbarrows

  • Rakes and Shovels

  • Wooden spools/Pallets


Addy Chores
Payment Options
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